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The 6 Most Evil Human Experiments Perpetrated By The U.S. Government

The 6 Most Evil Human Experiments Perpetrated By The U.S. Government

The U.S. government used Americans as unwilling test subjects in their human experiments and got away with it for decades.
3 Notorious Cases Of Trusted Media Outlets Spreading Fake News

3 Notorious Cases Of Trusted Media Outlets Spreading Fake News

There's a reason that polls consistently show Americans' surging distrust in the news media.
13 Shocking Examples Of Child Marriages Throughout The World And History

13 Shocking Examples Of Child Marriages Throughout The World And History

From the Middle Ages to the present, these photos reveal the often overlooked tragedy of child marriages.
North Korea Thinks Americans Are “Imperialist Aggressors” — Here’s Why

North Korea Thinks Americans Are “Imperialist Aggressors” — Here’s Why

As tensions between the U.S. and North Korea come to a head, discover how the Korean War's atrocities have fueled the Hermit Kingdom's anger.
Dangerous Street Drugs That Your Doctor Can Totally Prescribe Right Now

Dangerous Street Drugs That Your Doctor Can Totally Prescribe Right Now

Turns out you can get these potent compounds from a street dealer — or a pharmacist.
The Complex History Of Slavery In Islam, From The Middle Ages To ISIS

The Complex History Of Slavery In Islam, From The Middle Ages To ISIS

What the world gets right and wrong about the connections between Islam and slavery.
Why People Make — And Are Fascinated By — Crop Circles

Why People Make — And Are Fascinated By — Crop Circles

Mysterious circles have "appeared" on farms since the mid-1970s. But the most interesting thing about crop circles is our reaction to them.
21 Astounding Joseph Stalin Facts Even The History Buffs Don’t Know

21 Astounding Joseph Stalin Facts Even The History Buffs Don’t Know

These Joseph Stalin facts reveal the man who wrote the history of 20th-century Soviet Union in blood.
The Story Behind Albert Einstein’s Iconic Tongue Photo

The Story Behind Albert Einstein’s Iconic Tongue Photo

As it turns out, the iconic photo was nearly never published in the first place.
The Changing Face Of America’s Immigration Laws

The Changing Face Of America’s Immigration Laws

Immigration has been a contentious issue for the United States from its earliest days. All along, opposing forces have pulled government policy in different directions to create the system we have today.
The Sabbath: An Ancient Holiday In The Modern World

The Sabbath: An Ancient Holiday In The Modern World

How and why many of us still observe one of humanity's oldest rituals.